Home Relationships Never Fight Over a Guy

Never Fight Over a Guy


As you grow into a young woman it is inevitable that you start noticing boys and liking them more than just friends. In some situations, you and a girlfriend can start liking the same boy or the boy you like might like someone else, whatever the situation may be, you should try your best not to pass blame on a friend over a boy. In my experience, girls have even gotten physical with each other over a boy. Bottom line, violence is NEVER the answer. Seems obvious, right? Well, when feelings are hurt and emotions are high sometimes young girls can let that get the best of them. The best thing to do if you ever find yourself in this position is to stay calm, breathe, talk a walk and really think about what you want and don’t just act without thinking. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is this boy worth being sad or upset over? Is this boy worth losing a friend over? Nine times out of ten the answer is NO. You don’t want to lose the respect of your peers by doing something out of jealousy and more importantly, you don’t want to disrespect yourself in that way. Don’t lower yourself because a boy rejected you and always rise above. It would be a disservice to yourself to let someone ever make you feel like you’re not worthy because you ARE.

Heartbreak can be a tricky and sneaky emotion to get control over. However, if you keep your true friends close you will make it through anything. In the end, you’ll be proud of the mature way you reacted and walk away a bigger person. No boy is ever worth fighting over.

Here are some tips to help you know whether a boy is into you or not:

-He’ll NEVER put you in a position where you have to fight over him in the first place.

-He’ll NEVER put you in jeopardy of being harmed.

-He’ll NEVER let you feel like another girl takes his attention away.

-He’ll ALWAYS make sure that you know exactly how he feels about you so you’ll never second-guess your relationship.

A true and honest relationship means that the other person can never be “stolen” away. If you feel that they are, then the best revenge is to let him or her go. Unfortunately, that’s the harsh truth. Relationships and love are very complicated, especially at a young age when you’re experiencing it for the first time. Sometimes lust or jealousy can disguise itself as love. Try your best not to get the two confused and think about which best applies to your situation and relationship. The answer is often obvious and simple if you are just honest with yourself. I’m not saying its going to be easy or a smooth journey to getting over someone that you liked or loved but as long as you remain confident in yourself you’ll realize later on that you’re better off. No one is going to take care of you better than yourself.

If a guy ever cheats or flirts with someone else its in a girls’ nature to get protective and seek revenge on the other girl out of jealousy. However, when this happens you need to look at things from the larger perspective or the “big picture”. This can be difficult when you’re blinded by anger, however it’s in your best interest to realize who’s really to blame. It’s ALWAYS the other person in your relationship. He is the one who has committed himself to your relationship, not the third party. It is his responsibility to remain loyal and do the right thing. If he means well in your relationship, he will set the other girl straight by making it clear that he’s in a relationship. If a boy ever tries to make you jealous on purpose then his intentions are in the wrong place. It is always in your best interest to walk away from the unhealthy relationship and remain humble realizing you did the right thing. If a boy truly cares about you then he would never put you in the position to have to fight for him. Be with the person that lifts you up, not the person that drags you down. Moral of the story, never fight over a guy and always think before you act. Your first reaction is usually an impulse and leads to a bad outcome. So, take a breath, step back and realize you’re much more mature than you think you are. Then react.