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Pill Parties


Pill parties are becoming the new fad with preteens and teens now. Other names for these parties are Skittles Parties and Pharm Parties. These parties consist of each person bringing a bottle of prescription pills, i.e. painkillers, Opioids, narcotics, etc., or over the counter medications i.e. cold and flu medicines. These medications are then mixed together in one bowl and each party attendee picks a pill or two to take. It is important for adults to be aware of these parties so they can keep an eye out. These preteens and teenagers usually have no idea what pills are what in the bowl. To make it simple, they are playing a game of Russian roulette. It is often the case that there is alcohol at these parties as well.


These “partygoers” who participate in this activity have no idea what medications they are mixing and consuming. In addition, most times they are consuming alcohol at the same time. This practice is obviously extremely harmful or even lethal. Teenagers need to understand the danger of mixing medications and alcohol. Another factor to consider is that some people have allergies to some medications and not know it at the time. Being that these kids are so young, they may not have been exposed to some of the prescriptions and therefore have no idea their allergy condition exists. If the worst-case scenario occurred at one of these Pill parties and a teenager had to be sent to the hospital, doctors and nurses would have a difficult time assisting them not knowing the exact medication they took.


To remain informed here are some key words to look out for:

Pharming – when you are raiding the medicine cabinet for pills

Pharm Party – sharing various pills in a potluck style party

Recipe – a combination of different pharmaceutical medicine mixed together

Trail mix – bowls and baggies of random pills

Punch bowl party – everyone’s pills are mixed together in one bowl and partygoers take a random combination of the pills