Home Health I Am Enough

I Am Enough

Article written by Diane Lang ― Therapist, Educator and Life Coach


Start with saying ” I am Enough” out loud/or to yourself and what comes up for you. What do you feel?
Do you feel like you are faking it? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel it physically? Do you hear “Bullshit” from your inner voice?
Can you even say it?

We all need a strong foundation to have a good life. The foundation should consist of self-worth and self-love.
When we don’t feel enough, we tend to self-sabotage ourselves/set ourselves up for failure because we feel we don’t deserve happiness, feel lovable or good enough.

It can cause us to feel numb, not get close to others, quit before we get hurt, take risks or be our authentic self. We become afraid of the idea that people won’t like us. We look for acceptance and approval from others. We try to be perfect and hope it helps us feel better. It makes us put others first, worry about pleasing others and put ourselves on the bottom of the priority list.

Society adds into this belief. Just look at every advertisement that tells you, you are not good enough. Social media adds to our fears of not being enough, we compare ourselves to others when we scroll through social media which can also cause FOMO ( fear of missing out). All of this adds to our insecurities.

Our biggest fear is that we are simply just not enough. When this is a belief system, we tend to feel it, believe it and live our lives like it’s the truth. It’s a limiting, untrue belief system that keeps you from being your best self.

Ask yourself, why do I believe I’m not good enough? Where does it come from?
For many, it’s childhood. Can you see who/where it came from and that their behavior was about them, not you?
Can you challenge the statement ” I am not enough”?
Is it really true? Do you have any facts?
Is the belief realistic?
Is the belief old and outdated?

To change our belief system, we need to start with self-awareness of our inner dialogue.
We need to challenge it.
We need to create new belief systems.
Remember, you are good enough. Always was, always will be.

As a Therapist, Educator and Positive Living Expert, Diane has dedicated her career to helping people turn their lives around and is now on a mission to help them develop a sustainable positive attitude that can actually turn one into an optimist, literally.

Through her two books, “Creating Balance & Finding Happiness” and “Baby Steps: the Path from Motherhood to Career.” Diane has been speaking and empowering parents and adults nationwide. She is also an Adjunct in Psychology at Montclair State University, where her college work includes mentoring students for personal issue advisement.

As an expert in her fields of therapy, Lang has been featured in the Daily Record, Family Circle, Family Magazine, Working Mother Magazine and Cookie Magazine, seen on NJ 12 TV, Good day CT, Style CT, The Veira Network, CBS TV and “Fox & Friends”. She has also participated in a reality based Internet show, ourprisoner.com, hosted Generation X-tinet. In addition Lang writes a blog for Pazoo.com

For more information please visit http://www.dlcounseling.com or email Diane at DLCounseling2014@gmail.com