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Meet ReniMom


Hi! My name is ReniMom, the creator of ReniGirl. I created this website as a way to help young girls find an easy way to find answers to the not so easy questions growing up. I myself had a million and one questions through my tween and teenage years and even now as an adult I still do! In the time that I was growing up I didn’t have the privilege of the Internet as a source to find answers. My resources were my friends, family, magazine articles or learning through the basic trial and error concept (and trust me, there were a lot of errors!). Unfortunately, I learned that not all my sources were as reliable as I thought, which caused me to learn some very hard and painful lessons.

Now I that I have a daughter of my own, I would hate to see her and her friends go through the same struggles as I and so many others before them went through. I want to not only help my daughter and her friends but all the girls I can gain access to through the Internet with all of your questions and concerns with the best advice I and my partners can give. I can guarantee my absolute best efforts in gathering the most accurate information I can to provide to my readers. I have been working with numerous professionals. For example doctors, therapists, hairstylists, makeup artists, teachers, etc. Many contributors will even have re-occurring articles because they have so much great advice to offer! Here at ReniGirl I will try to cover as many broad topics as I can and update the website as new information comes in. There will also be a “Contact Us” page where readers can send questions or ideas in that they would like to see covered!

Aside from being the creator and founder of ReniGirl, I have been married for over 16 years and as mentioned earlier, a mother of a tween daughter. I was a full time paralegal until my daughter was born then continued as a stay at home mom for over six years, during which time my husband and I ran a part-time photography business together. When my daughter started going to school full time I went back to work part-time as a paralegal, which is where I currently work now. However, my true passion is to build this website and to reach as many girls as possible to help them build a strong and bright future for themselves.

I am a firm believer that people should spend more time building each other up instead of tearing each other down. We need to stop listening, spreading and feeding into rumors about others. I have a favorite saying, which is “Rumors – believe none of what your hear and half of what you see.” This quote has stuck with me throughout life. If you hear a rumor second hand then odds are it not the truth and even if you see something with your own eyes, you still may not be seeing the whole story! ReniGirl is a website about building positive, productive and stronger futures for the next generation.