Home Health Swimming While You Have Your Period

Swimming While You Have Your Period


It is a total misconception that once you start your period you can no longer have fun in the summer time. A total fib! Once you start your period, all you have to do is take some extra steps to make sure you’re protected. Discussing your first period is always awkward, however you can take comfort in knowing that every woman goes through it and it is completely normal. You’re not alone!

Here are some suggestions on making swimming with your friends more comfortable while on your period along with a video by YouTuber Marissa Rachel for you to check out!

-Use a tampon – tampons are the best option to go swimming with as opposed to pads for many reasons. Such as, they don’t leak, you can easily hide the string and it is much more hidden! No one can even tell you have one in.

-However, the second best option is using a thin pad. Do not use a pad with wings because it may accidentally show. If you do use a thin pad, make sure you change it every time you get out of the water.

-Wear a dark bathing suit! –If by chance you tend to leak, the dark bathing suit will hide it much better than say a white bathing suit.

-Another option, just wear shorts! –Wearing shorts over your bathing suit can add an extra sense of security.

-Don’t play games where you are sitting on other people’s shoulders – just to be extra safe in case things get a little… messy!

Check out the video here!: